Delivery options, generated during checkout, will vary based on product category, quantity, and location:

  • free contactless pickup available for local customers in or near Lincoln, Nebraska, United States (68506)
  • free USA shipping for $13+ in-stock orders (or with coupon code)
  • Printful print-on-demand items are fulfilled separately (various rates listed below and in respective product descriptions) but can be ordered alongside products fulfilled by scene-stitcher
*shipping rate estimates collected December 2024

scene-stitcher sales are final, though we may accept returns or exchanges (within 30 days of purchase date) for defective items, mistakenly shipped orders, or products damaged in transit. Also email us with print-on-demand order concerns so we can check details on our end and/or reach out to Printful on your behalf.

Non-returnable items include the following:

  • digital downloads (PDFs)
  • gift cards
  • scrubs (guys that can’t get no love from me)

Contact us with any further questions related to refunds and returns. Please tell us how we’re doing (ahem, love a good product review), how we can improve, and how to make fetch happen!